Need up to date information on all the major indicies?
The Big Call Service is a very comprehensive paid report that is essential reading if you want an edge when trading the markets.
The report contains a forecast along with long medium and short term trends. All the major indices are covered and I also detail my positions.
There is also video charting demonstrating the logic behind my decisions and this is supported with a running commentary.
Essential reading for those who want to stay ahead of the game.
*** A Personal Message from Pro-Trader JOHN PIPER***(author of the best selling book THE WAY TO TRADE) |
Introducing A Service So You Can Catch The BIG Market Moves.
A Lot Is Happening In The Markets Right Now And When You Catch Big Moves You Get Big Rewards.
From: John Piper
Dear Reader,
If the idea of making money as a “stay-at-home” financial trader appeals to you… but… you’re scared stiff of losing more money than you can afford… then this letter will show you how to avoid that based on my positive experiences in the financial markets for the past 25+ years.
And how you can trade successfully… with no paralysing fear… starting from NOW!
Here’s the story:
My name is John Piper. I’m an “in-the-trenches” financial trader with over 25+ years of profitable trading under my belt. I’m the author of a number of best-selling trading books (including The Way To Trade, The Fortune Strategy, Binary Trading, and, of course Financial Cataclysm NOW!).
My books and newsletters are devoured with almost religious zest by a vast spectrum of people around the globe – including high-flying corporate traders, daredevil entrepreneurs, “9-to-5’ers” and even University students. And even though my personal consulting fees can run into thousands per month…
There Is Now A Way You Can Get My DAILY Analysis and Recommendations Directly to Your Computer Screen…
And Do So For £33.50 For The Next Month…
You also get a full money back guarantee – simply cancel within the first 30 days for a full refund of the £33.50
Please note: Spread betting and investment in ETFs and other forms of longer term investments can give rise to losses in excess of your initial capital due to leverage. Please see the important risk warnings and disclaimers at the end of this piece.
In fact, you can even get some good advice right now. Simply click on the Video below and let me explain to you exactly what this service can do for you.
That’s great John, but how exactly will this make money?
Well, the one question that crops up time-and-time-again from “would be” subscribers of my services goes something like this:
QUESTION: “John, I get the feeling you really are a genuine guy with an excellent track record of success trading the financial markets, but the one thing holding me back from subscribing to your service is that I have a fear of losing money.”
HERE’S MY ANSWER: “In my 25+ years of experience of trading successfully in the markets it is clear that the number one reason people lose is through a lack of financial education and understanding. Before you can make money in the markets, you must become a risk calculator – and this is what I will first teach you before we get started.”
You see, I don’t want somebody (anybody) to get into something they’re not 100% comfortable with which is why I place such great importance on risk and financial exposure. Trust me when I say that 99% of operators in this field lack the willingness to teach their students all they need to know about risk.
Until now, I’ve recommended anybody who has not studied or understood risk, not to sign-up to my trading programmes.
Many years ago “would be” subscribers thanked me for my honest advice. But when they then asked me what I suggest they do instead – I didn’t really have an answer for them.
After all, I didn’t have the right kind of trading programme that fully communicates my day-to-day thinking of what trades I’m looking to put my money on (and why).
But all that has NOW changed…
Here’s why:
In 2009 I launched my new trading programme – called The BIG Call Service.
The BIG Call Service is a compilation of the very best trading advice and recommendations I have to offer. Communicated to you in plain-talking English.
How good is the information put out in The BIG Call Service?
This good: it is the very same information I myself follow when putting my own money on the line. And what you should know about me (if you don’t already) is I’m extremely meticulous when it comes to analysing the markets and knowing when to get in and out of a trade.
And I think if I were analysed by a psychiatrist their tests would conclude that I have… what can only be called…
A Dreaded Phobia About Losing Money
What this means is I never make “kamikaze” trades like many operators. Instead, I “worship” cold-hard data. I let scientific data and technical analysis dictate the trades I make (and don’t make).
Of course, if you hop online and check out all the trading courses and programmes available – you’ll notice everybody claims to have a great track record when it comes to trading the financial markets.
But, I can just about guarantee that no other independent financial trader in the U.K. has a 25+ year track record equal to mine.
Take a look for yourself:

I made my first financial trade in April of 1985 buying a put option on the FTSE 100 Index. By the way, what I’m going to talk to you about in this letter has nothing to do with options whatsoever.
- I traded profitably right through the ’87 crash – some current financial trading “guru’s” were still in their nappies at the time
- I discovered a strategy that has returned up to 1,900%
- I WON the GRANADA TV trading contest in 1991 making an annualised return of over 400%!
- My annual turnover in some years exceeded £2 MILLION of option premiums on my personal account.
- In March 2009 I called a major low buying RBS at 12
- In 2011 I added the VIX to my portfolio bagging over 100% on part of that position
In other words – I’m not some kind of “one-hit-wonder.”
But how can any trader have such a phenomenal success record?
That’s a good question. Part of the answer lies in the fact that while many of my private clients are out enjoying the fruits of my trading recommendations (like playing golf or jetting off on holiday) — I can often be found in front of a computer screen putting in countless hours of technical analysis in preparation for the trades I put my own money on and recommend to my clients.
That’s part of the reason why I have an unprecedented 25+ year “winning streak” in the financial markets.
Take Out A £33.50 One Month Trial To The Big Call Service Today
Is there another reason?
As a matter of fact, there is.
And this other reason can be powerfully reinforced to you via the “vessel” of an intriguing (and true) story..
Back in the 1940’s in Chicago a Jewish boy “cut his teeth” in the world of gambling by sneaking out of school to make pocket-money bets on baseball games from under the bleachers of Wrigley Park.
Some bets he won. Some bets he lost.
But what this Jewish boy realised very quickly was that relying on hunches and pure dumb luck was not the way he wanted to gamble.
And so, as this Jewish boy grew and matured into a young man he set about “recruiting” certain people (like newspaper reporters and medical staff etc.,) who had access to “inside information” that could affect the outcome of an upcoming baseball game.
For example:
The Jewish “gambler” knew when a player had a niggling injury and missed a mid-week training session… he knew when a player had broken up with his girlfriend and his “head” wasn’t on the game… he knew when a player was in “secret talks” with other teams… and… he even knew if a player had a drug problem that…
Even His Girlfriend Didn’t Know About
What kind of difference did this “inside” information make?
Well, within the span of a year the Jewish “gambler” managed to parlay a $15,000 bankroll up to a staggering $750,000. A 5,000% return back in the 1950’s!
The name of the Jewish “gambler” was Frank “Lefty” Rosenthal and he went on to become one of the most powerful and astute casino managers in Las Vegas.
Is there a purpose to this story?
Yes there is. And in case you’ve missed it, the “take away” lesson is…
The Right Information At The Right Time
Will Make You Rich
In fact, used wisely, there is nothing more profitable in business… in life… and… especially in financial trading… than… the right information at the right time.
And so, when it comes to trading the financial markets I’m fanatical about hunting down the right information and using that information at the right time to make money from the markets.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about anything nefarious like “insider dealing”. No. What I’m talking about is the not-so-obvious information (overlooked by lazy traders) that… when collated… analysed… and… acted upon at the right time…
Is Responsible For Generating Up To 1,500% Returns For Myself and Clients Over The Last Few Years
As you can imagine, this means I’ve had some very happy subscribers and clients…
Awesome Trade John, …Awesome
Tom Houggard
Firstly, Thanks because i had the perfect day yesterday! While I was on the golf course (getting my best score ever of 88!) I logged onto my Blackberry to see I was up £4380.00 on my FTSE bull position, which is fantastic’
Woooo Hooooo… Well played, I picked up 75 points
Nigel W – that is Nigel below!

You Are a Genius!!!
Cheers Brian
In life we just plod along living a hand to mouth existence and all of a sudden some one or something comes into your life and completely changes it for ever, that some one is you and I count myself a very lucky person to be dealing with you. You have given me hope and the courage to earn an enormous amount of cash. Thanks a million.
Warmest Regards
I took your tip on board today and I have just earned £560 profit on the 50/50 tunnel. Many thanks!
N Mugo
Hi John
It was my first trade yesterday and I managed to get in at 78 for £4. I made £395 on my first trade.
I am not sure whether you pick up emails to you personally, but I starting subscribing to your emails back in January. I am not a big player but started with £7,500 on IG index in Mid January and have just closed all my positions today prior to going on holiday for 4 weeks, with a balance of £34,045. In a big part thanks to your reports. Worth the subscription I think it is fair to say !!
Keep up the good work. As you say it’s all about acknowledging where we are and preparing to make profit in any economic climate. Best wishes
David Pocock
I just went for the “down over 50 points” bet on Capital Spreads, bought it at 15 and it’s already at 72! How do you do this?
Amazing! Thanks
Hi, Just wanted to tell you that from the first email I received from you on Wednesday. I made over GBP 656.20 in less than 1.5 hours! This was very exciting. I look forward to the next 12 months!
Juan Bird
John – this has been a phenomenally good call and a great ride down! I hope the rest of your flock have had as much fun and profit as I enjoyed on this slide.
Stephen Nelson
Interesting experience in a volatile month! Only 12 trades – 3 losers 9 winners. Biggest frustration is seeing so many opportunities and not having been around to take them. Still, made £6k on those trades, so at least I covered the cost of the course!
Simon B
I was thoroughly amazed when i read it (TWTT) the first time… The 55 steps can send a chill down the spine of any surviving trader with the nostalgia of his/her journey! You have honestly and brutally poured it all out in those 55 steps. I was thoroughly amazed when I read it the first time. It will keep on inspiring many strugglers
Anyway, when you become a member of The BIG Call Service, you get ALL my best trading analysis and recommendations. The same analysis and recommendations my high-paying clients get.
There’s no other subscription to buy. There’s no upsell to a more “exclusive service”. And, as a matter of fact…
You can even try The BIG Call Service for just £33.50 for the next month…
Anyway, when you become a member of The BIG Call Service, you get ALL my best trading analysis and recommendations. The same analysis and recommendations my high-paying clients get.
There’s no other subscription to buy. There’s no upsell to a more “exclusive service”. And, as a matter of fact…
You Can Even Try The BIG Call Service For
£33.50 For The Next Month…
This way you can feel comfortable “testing” The BIG Call Service and see for yourself whether it’s for you or not.
Anyway, here is what you’ll get as a member of The BIG Call Service:

What I write in my “market commentary” isn’t your usual investment advisory. Newsletter. Or trading service…
It’s more like you’re getting the chance to read my private thoughts… and internal dialogue… and find out exactly how my mind “clicks”…
NB: Two of these reports are by video link (see below)
And if that weren’t enough…
You’ll be hearing when I see the BIG opportunities come up. When I see that I will be sending you an SMS alert and you will see exactly where… and when… I’m putting my own money into a trade… and… exactly where… and when… I’m exiting a trade. You will also get specific fixed-odds recommendations when thus happens.
On top of that I often give you shorter term suggestions in my regular reports.
Everything will be explained in plain-talking English. So if you can understand an article in the Sun newspaper… you’ll be able to understand my daily “market commentary.”
And it will be like a good friend writing to you daily… a good friend who just happens to be one of most successful trader’s in the U.K.
If you’ve watched the video link at the top of this page, you’ve already got a “handle” on what this is about.
In a nutshell, every week I will send you online video links showing you the graphs demonstrating a “visual display” which way the market is moving and WHY.
As a subscriber you will get two of these reports each week.
Many private clients did.

All in all, I have predicted numerous double digit gains in the last 25 years. And some of those trades achieved profits as high as 1,900%… in a matter of days.
This means anybody who followed my trading plays would have literally turned small sterling exposures into vast sums in just a few months.
Now you can copy my trades, too.
And make the same trading profits as me – at least on a percentage basis.
See I aim to text and email you my BIG SIX trades as and when I place them and exit them.
Something else to remember:
Because I’ll also be providing you with my regular “market commentary”… and weekly video analysis (see above)… you’ll always know WHY I’m getting IN and OUT of a particular trade.
This way…
Practically All The Paralysing Fear Is
Taken Out Of Trading For You
You’ll be amazed how easy it is to “cash in” on my trades, too.
In fact, there are just 4 things you need to do to copy my trades:
Step 1: Check your email or mobile phone, and look at the trading recommendations I will send you.
Step 2: Place your trade online… or… with your broker over the telephone (don’t worry, it’s as easy as “parroting” the trading message I will have sent you).
Step 3: Go about your day and check your mobile phone or email and look for my “exit signal”.
Step 4: Exit the trade either online… or… over the phone with your broker.
That’s It!
There’s nothing else to do.
Other than count the profits you’ll have made. Which, based on my 20+ year trading track record, you’ll make decent profits most of the time.
Trading the financial markets is very much like surfing ocean waves.
Basically, there are two kinds of ocean waves.
Most waves are “surface waves”. These are your average, garden-variety, everyday waves. And they’re analogous with most price movements in the market.
“Surf” (trade) one of these price movements at the right time – and you’ll make some money. Like I do week-in-week-out. And so will you as a member of The BIG Call Service.
But then there’s another rarer kind of wave. This is “subsurface wave”.
If surface waves are your middleweight boxers, dancing and shooting jabs, the subsurface wave is your heavyweight, throwing knockout punches from the (ocean) floor.
A subsurface wave will either give you the ride of your life. Or wipe you out. It doesn’t care which.
Very much like the BIG swinging price movements in the financial markets.
“Surf” (trade) one of these huge price movements at the right time – and you can make a serious pile of money, very quickly.
Why do I mention this?
Simple: In case you haven’t already guessed – these BIG (tsunami) price movements are the reason I’ve called this new programme The BIG Call Service.
Truth is, with my “microscopic” trading analysis, along with my 20+ year trading experience I’ve developed a kind of “sixth sense” about when one of these tsunami price movements are lurking on the horizon.
Frankly, it’s what gives me a massive edge of most (99%) of other traders.
See while most traders get wiped out by these tsunami price movements – I’ve been able to “surf” them for massive financial profits time after time throughout the years.
And so, guess what?
About 6 times per year I’ll be giving you the “heads up” when one of these big price movements is about to ”break”. This way, both of us can get in and ride the price movement for monster profits.
Frankly, it’s because of my unique ability to “spot” these rare (but ultra profitable) big price swings that many other trading “gurus” secretly become personal consulting clients.
They Know They Can’t Get The
“BIG Calls” Anywhere Else
Which means – it’s almost certain you can’t get the “BIG Calls” anywhere else, either.
Anyway, here’s the deal:
You can “test drive” membership of The BIG Call Service for the first month…
For ONLY £33.50
Then, if you decide to stay a member beyond this, you pay just £67 per month.
But I have to hear back from you fast. Like today.
Otherwise it’s a pretty sure bet the first 55 membership places will go and you’ll miss this great opportunity.
And get this:
You can cancel your membership at any time. Just let me know and you’ll never be billed again.
And you can even store all the newsletters, all the video links and all the information I will have provided you as a member of The BIG Call Service.
So sign-up to The BIG Call Service now. Be quick. Either way, the first month’s membership is ONLY £33.50
To sign-up to The BIG Call Service click on the link below to be taken to the 100% secure membership sign-up page.

John Piper.
PS. If you do decide to sign up, I’ll even send you a free e-copy my best-selling book, The Way to Trade!
PPS. Your £33.50 is covered by our money-back guarantee if you cancel within 30 days. We believe in what we do and are very happy to give you this guarantee – you even get to keep the book!!
PPPS. Remember, if you sign up today I will also make available my entire Video library which includes recordings on just about everything to do with trading including my exclusive PDS system.
PPPPS. I must stress again that trading is all about controlling risk. Markets are unpredictable and however perfect a pattern or set-up may seem it does not mean it will work out that way. In fact the most perfect set-ups rarely work because of the fickleness of market behaviour, the psychology of market participants, and the mechanics of market action. All my recommendations will be based on careful analysis and are designed to give enhanced odds of success but they will not always work out.
RISK WARNING AND DISCLAIMER You are reminded that the price of any investment or spread/binary betting position can go adversely against you. None of the contents of our reports should be construed as an invitation to buy or sell securities or open spread/binary betting positions, shares or any other financial trading product. BIG CALL s purely educational and is therefore not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Futures, CFD, Margined Foreign Exchange trading, Warrants, Options and Spread/Binary Betting carries a high level of risk to your capital. A key risk of leveraged trading is that if a position moves against you, the customer, you can incur additional liabilities far in excess of your initial margin deposit. Only speculate with money you can afford to lose. Futures, CFD, Margined Foreign Exchange trading and Spread/Binary Betting may not be suitable for all customers, therefore ensure you fully understand the risks involved and seek independent financial advice if necessary. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Any securities or financial products discussed are by way of example only and are not an invitation to buy or sell. BIG CALL and their agents may have a holding or open position on some of the financial markets discussed. By featuring specific cases or client testimonials on this site, we do not imply or guarantee that you will receive similar results. In particular we do not give personal advice and the contents of our reports are, of necessity, general. They cannot relate to the individual circumstances of investors. Anyone considering taking any action in the market may wish to seek independent advice from a Financial Conduct Authority authorised Stockbroker or Financial Adviser. We cannot be held liable if individuals suffer losses taking such action, nor do we expect to share in your gains. Please note, fixed odds betting is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Gambling is high risk and BIG CALL and their writers and editors cannot be held accountable for any monetary losses incurred. Before betting or if in doubt as to the suitability of these recommendations seek independent advice. Transactions in financial contracts carry a high degree of risk. Never bet with money you cannot afford to lose. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Futures and options trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This report is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. |