German Dax Trade – Big Call Newsletter
I’ve been quiet of late, busy looking after my existing subscribers amongst other things. But I thought it worth posting a recent trade that many of you were/are really pleased with. I originally highlighted it in the 2nd June Big Call newsletter.

The German DAX
‘The DAX is now at 11332 down 98 points. Similar action on the DAX with maybe some backing and filling now due – see chart above.’
In fact things ended up progressing, and whilst working my way through a lunchtime treat (I won’t mention her name) at a mere whiff over 11500, we got the downside we were waiting for:

Here’s the action without the dialog box in the way:

At the time of writing, it is still going (unlike me). So there you have it, well done to those of you who had the patience to wait for the big move and enjoy watching it play out.