I’ve been really busy producing the follow up to my best selling book ‘The Way To Trade’ with my new book, ‘The Way To Trade Better’ so apologies for my lapse in posting here.
In this post I introduce the book, and for those of you that don’t have time to watch all of the video I’ll summarise some of the points and where they occur. Please forgive the occasional blip, I had some publishing issues.
Anybody can do anything, and there is a valuable message here. A clue? I had no idea how to write a book, but if you break it down… 0.26
Everybody needs an expert (mine is my publisher). 1.00
Planning is essential if you are to have a chance of succeeding. 1.36
Without a clear trend, trading is far more difficult. 2.25
A brief story and the introduction to the book. Learn from someone else’s mistakes, one upon a time… 3.10
What this book is about. My 5 step process. 6.12
A really important note on stops. 7.53
Take care to focus on what is important. 8.50
What’s your style? My style (for a quote from a true master, click here)? 10.09
Getting the trading right, your mindset. your psychology. 16.05
Conclusion and an example of what can be achieved when you work at it. 14.15
I hope you have enjoyed this excerpt, which will be one of several posts introducing The Way To Trade Better.
You can purchase the book directly below: